Is Victoria Nuland a Soviet Double Agent?
From 1993-96 Russian speaking Jew Victoria Nuland was chief of staff to Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbot when they both worked on the nuclear disarmament of Ukraine.
Talbot visited the Soviet Union in college with his roommate and fellow Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton. Talbot was seen as a Russian asset during his time in the State Department
“Talbott followed his forefathers to Yale, where he studied Russian literature and won a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford. There he found himself rooming with a wonky, gregarious Georgetown graduate named Bill Clinton. Talbott remained interested in Russia, writing his master’s thesis on Mayakovsky, translating Nikita Khrushchev’s memoirs and then becoming a foreign correspondent — and eventually a columnist — for Time magazine. He was the first journalist to track down and interview Joseph Brodsky upon his exile to the West in 1972. “Looks like we lucked out,” Brodsky wrote in his diary. “He’s read me.” Talbott’s fundamental view of the U.S.S.R. was that it could be reasoned with; in the pages of Time, he regularly praised the virtues of arms control and détente, and was despised for it by more ardent Cold Warriors. When Clinton was elected president, Talbott came on to advise his old roommate on what Clinton believed to be his most pressing foreign-policy concern: the transformation of Russia into a viable, American-friendly democracy on the eastern edge of Europe.” - The Quiet Americans Behind the U.S.-Russia Imbroglio
Nuland is currently working in the Biden State Department. Back when Joe Biden was a Senator he sabotaged Ukraine’s nuclear deterrence. “Opposition to Ukrainian nuclear disarmament was denied a voice at then Senator Joe Biden's subcommittee.” What Strobe Talbott Won’t Tell the Senate Today: Insisting On A Nuclear-Free Ukraine Is Folly
Nuland’s soviet connections go back even further than the State Department.
“For the graduates of Brown University there is a distribution, according to which Victoria came to the USSR. In the pioneer camp near Odessa, she worked as a Pioneer leader. The camp was named "Young Guard."
“Pioneer camps were a regular fixture for young recruits during those long Soviet summers, the communist equivalent to the scouts. Coordinated by Lenin’s Young Pioneer Organisation they stretched all the way to China and North Korea, where they remain to this day.”
Real Ukrainian patriots didn’t trust the nuclear disarmament narrative and the communist President of Ukraine tried to cover it up
Just look at how the State Department is undermining the Ukrainian effort to defeat Russia
A Ukrainian attempt to retake Crimea would be a red line for Putin that could lead to a wider Russian response, Blinken says -
Politico Sources: Blinken says that the US isn’t actively encouraging Ukraine to retake Crimea
Blinken: Crimea a ‘red line’ for Putin as Ukraine weighs plans to retake it
Here is another Rhodes scholar, Jake Sullivan, in communication with the Kremlin assuring them the US won't attack
Ukraine war: US confirms 'communications' with Kremlin
Should we be surprised knowing that Anthony Blinken's stepfather was a lawyer for suspected KGB/Mossad agent Robert Maxwell?
Even the DNC loyalist think tank Russia hawks are saying Biden is playin for a stalemate